English homework

Նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական և ժխտական:

Here is the bird for you.

Is here the bird for you.

Here isn`t the  bird for you.

It is awful.

Is it awful.

It isn`t awful.

They are happy.

Are they happy.

They aren`t happy

He has got a Bird in the box.

Has he got a bird in the box.

He hasn`t got a bird in the box.

I am hungry.

Am I hungry.

I amn`t hungry.

They can swim.

Can they swim.

They can`t swim.

Վարժ 11 էջ 55 բառերը ճիշտ դասավորելով ստացեք նախադասություն։

Կազմեք նախադասություններ hand, nice, close, mouth, tooth բառերով:

He is a nice girl.

I close door.

I eat with my mouth.

I brush my tooth.

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